6 Expert Tips for Improving Fertility In Your 40s

6 Expert Tips for Improving Fertility In Your 40s

There are a lot of reasons someone might wait until their 40s to start their family: Not wanting to interrupt your career, finding the right partner, resolving health issues first. Let’s face it, for most people, it’s harder to get pregnant in your 40s than it would have been in your 20s. But starting a […]

How to Manage Back Pain with Acupuncture

How to Manage Back Pain with Acupuncture

Enjoying your garden, creating your favorite dish, dancing, hula hooping—these are all activities that many of us love to do to feel present and enjoy the moment. Unfortunately, too many Americans know that their favorite hobbies can become impossible when experiencing unrelenting back pain. One study indicated that one-quarter of adults report chronic low back […]

Melatonin for Fertility: A Wonderful Super-Supplement

Melatonin for Fertility: A Wonderful Super-Supplement

Most people have heard of melatonin as a supplement that helps with sleep and resetting circadian rhythms. Did you know that melatonin is also found in the fluid of ovarian follicles? As the follicles that will become mature eggs grow, the amount of melatonin increases. This makes Melatonin an important supplement for not only sleep, […]

Does Acupuncture Help with Unexplained Infertility?

Does Acupuncture Help with Unexplained Infertility?

Unexplained infertility is a very frustrating “diagnosis” to receive, but about one in five couples will be told their infertility doesn’t have a known cause. Some studies show that for people given the diagnosis of unexplained infertility, it might just take more time – over a seven year period, 36% of people diagnosed with unexplained […]

Acupuncture for Anxiety: Do You Struggle with Anxiety? Acupuncture Might Be the Answer

Acupuncture for Anxiety: Do You Struggle with Anxiety? Acupuncture Might Be the Answer

Watching the news, summer heat waves, natural disasters, work deadlines, managing the household—life requires us to have positive and negative types of stress. Some of us, though, may also experience anxiety either routinely or situationally in addition to the day-to-day stress. Anxiety may not always be visible to those around you. You may have anxiety with less […]

Acupuncture History 101: Everything You Need to Know About the Ancient Practice

Acupuncture History 101: Everything You Need to Know About the Ancient Practice

Recently, I was listening to Matthew McConaughey’s Greenlights. It’s a fun read, with a passage noting that trends are often fleeting, but “Cool is always cool” (paraphrasing).[1] Meanwhile, Instagram advertises the latest wellness trends—wearables tracking steps, prepared whole food meals to your doorstep—all based on cutting edge ‘new research’.  Though I appreciate that wellness is […]

Can acupuncture help to prevent miscarriage?

Can acupuncture help to prevent miscarriage?

Miscarriage is a word that brings dread to the hearts of women who wish to become pregnant. It’s not uncommon or unexpected, therefore, that expectant or soon-to-be mothers would find themselves researching ways to prevent it. It would not be any surprise, either, if acupuncture pops up in the search results. But one may ask: […]

20 Tips for Getting Pregnant Faster

20 Tips for Getting Pregnant Faster

Finally ready to have a baby? These 20 tips for getting pregnant faster can help you meet your family-building goals on time. We’re always told we shouldn’t rush having a baby – but when we’re finally ready, how can we make sure we can do it safely, just when we want to? These 20 tips […]

Exercise and Fertility: When Is Exercise Harmful To Your Fertility?

Exercise and Fertility: When Is Exercise Harmful To Your Fertility?

Let’s discuss exercise and fertility. If you’re planning for a pregnancy, the idea that exercise could be bad for you probably hasn’t crossed your mind.  Most people concentrating on improving their health think that eating the right foods and getting more exercise are at the top of the list.  Many types of gym programs and […]

How Many Acupuncture Sessions Do You Need for Fertility?

How Many Acupuncture Sessions Do You Need for Fertility?

At Portland Acupuncture Studio, we are frequently asked “How often do I need to have acupuncture to help my fertility?” Since our treatments are tailored to each person’s unique needs, there is no standard answer to this question. However, there are some key factors influencing how many acupuncture sessions you need to improve your fertility, […]